
A journey to world stuff-making domination

Archive for November 2010

Halloween 2010

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This year I was invited to spend Halloween in New Orleans with one of my favorite people (Remy), who takes costumes very seriously. Last year before she abandoned Seattle for the east coast, she organized several theme days at work; stewardess day, Mad Men day, and dress like Rob Rosen day (think east coast business casual-khakis, blue shirt, sensible shoes). Costumes were definitely required for Halloween in NOLA and  I wanted to keep up my bird theme from the previous few years, but was at a loss for ideas. The best idea  I’d been given was Larry Bird (thanks Colin), and I was seriously considering blonde mullet wigs and tube socks…

Then I went  to Art Walk.

My friend Connor was showing some photos at his co-worker’s studio in the 619 Western Building. The co-worker, Tammy, makes amazing leather masks and had one that was made with gas mask goggles and looked like an owl. This sparked my interest and when talking to her about her masks, she mentioned she teaches a mask-making class. Which, obviously, I immediately signed up for.

For anyone who lives in Seattle, I highly recommend this class (I’ll be taking the Steampunk Goggles Workshop sometime in the near future if anyone is interested). Tammy is a great teacher and very giving with the knowledge she has mostly learned through trial and error. I spent an afternoon in her Pioneer Square studio and left with a new skill to add to the “I can make that” list.

Thanks to Tammy’s guidance, my mask turned out great. It is very crow-like and I ended up dressing as a Flapper (love a double entendre). I completed the outfit with a feather boa I got at the Mardi Gras Market on Dauphine which I purchased for $4.95. It was better than bread crumbs as it left a trail of feathers from our house in Bywater through the French Quarter and back.

Written by stuffmaker

November 11, 2010 at 8:00 pm

Posted in mixed media

Vegas Ceiling

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I know this is totally cheesy, but I’ve always loved the cloud ceilings in the casinos in Vegas. They are mostly located in themed shopping areas, and often have lighting effects that simulate sunrise and sunsets (in the Venitian, there’s even a “real” thunderstorm!). When I moved into my townhouse a couple years ago, I painted the vaulted ceiling of my bedroom blue with the intention of painting clouds. We all know about good intentions…

Fast forward three years, add a total bedroom makeover, and finally, done!

Now on all of the dark and dreary Seattle days when I come and go from work in the dark, I can come home and luxuriate beneath a happy cloudy sky. I also got a round Nelson bubble lamp which resembles the sun.

Now I say, winter? Bring it on!

Written by stuffmaker

November 10, 2010 at 9:26 pm

Posted in Painting